A one and a half year old girl was accidentally scalded by a container of water that her father was carrying. This accident took place in the late afternoon of Tuesday, November 9 in the village of Montagne-Blanche. The child was rushed to the Dr. Bruno Cheong Hospital in Flacq for treatment. She was later transferred to the Burns’ Unit of the Victoria Hospital in Candos where she is admitted. Her condition is considered to be of concern.
In a statement made at the police station of the Flacq hospital in the early evening of Tuesday, November 9, the father, a 26-year-old Development Officer of a private security company, related the circumstances of the accident. It was around 3:55 pm that he had taken his daughter to the hospital in Flacq. This after a container of boiling water spilled on her accidentally after he lost his balance.
The little girl was treated in the emergency department before being transferred to the hospital of Candos due to the severity of her burn.
An investigation has been initiated at the police station of Flacq to determine the exact circumstances of this accident.