A 34-year-old secretary of a company in Phoenix, who lives in Plaine Magnien, reported the theft of gold jewelry from her home. They were in a cupboard in her bedroom. She suspects that her brother is the perpetrator of this theft, which took place in early February and on Wednesday, June 28 of this year. The loot taken is estimated at Rs 350,000. In her complaint, made in the early hours of Thursday June 29, she explained that she had last seen her jewelry in February this year and that, on the evening of June 28, she had noticed the disappearance of several chains, pendants, rings and bracelets. She also mentioned the disappearance of two AMC utensils and a bottle of Carolina perfume. In her statement, she said she strongly suspected her brother as the perpetrator of the theft. The latter, a drug addict in his thirties and a known recidivist at the Plaine Magnien police station, is actively sought by the police.