In Rohit Shetty’s upcoming comedy of errors Cirkus which features Ranveer Singh in a double role, Deepika Padukone will be seen playing the character of Meenamma from Chennai Express. Even Ajay Devgn might have a cameo appearance in the film. The filmmakers are yet to shoot for one brief schedule of the film in Ooty. It is expected to take place in the next two months. Rohit Shetty is planning to shoot a song on a grand scale in Ooty and that’s not all, he also wants his lucky charm, Ajay Devgn to make a guest appearance in this song. While the initial plans were to shoot in June, Devgn’s jam packed date diaries delayed the schedule. The team is now looking to shoot by the month of November. Work in progress and if everything goes as planned and the dates of actors come together, Ajay Devgn will make a dashing cameo in Cirkus. The actor and Rohit Shetty are among the most successful actor director duo with films like Golmaal, Golmaal Returns, Singham, Singham Returns, Golmaal 3, All The Best etc. More so, Rohit Shetty has always presented Ajay Devgn in the best possible manner in all his films including the extended cameo in Simmba. The Cirkus Maker and his team just awaits a go ahead from Ajay Devgn’s end to plan the schedule.