« I saw the baby in the fire and he was crying very loudly », stated the 18 year old for the incident involving her 22 months’ baby. The baby was admitted in the ‘Burns Unit’ at Victoria hospital in Candos on 25th July. It appears that the baby wanted to grab a toy that his maternal grandmother had been burning together with a pile of garbage. This incident happened at ‘Residence la Cure’. On 24th July, the mother went to the police to give her statement saying that she had been busy throughout that day with household chores. And in a moment of inattention, her baby son went out of the house while the grandmother was cleaning up and was burning garbage in the yard, amongst which was a small white car, the favorite toy of the baby. According to the mother, her son has probably tried to grab the toy. This is how he got caught in the fire and got burnt on his right hand and in the face. A police enquiry has been set up in order to find out what really happened on that day.