On Monday morning, a 50-minute meeting between Navin Ramgoolam, Paul Bérenger, Xavier Duval and Arvin Boolell took place at Riverwalk. A meeting described as “very positive” by Xavier Duval who made a statement to the press. Xavier-Luc Duval said that the Entente de l’Espoir and the Labor Party will go together to the municipal elections. A meeting is scheduled this Friday, November 11 between the presidents and secretaries general of the various parties at the office of Xavier-Luc Duval to prepare “the campaign.
Xavier Duval said that the meeting was limited to the municipal elections that the three parties want to arrive as soon as possible. Commenting on the two respective meetings of the PTr and the Entente de l’Espoir scheduled for the same date, November 18 in St. Pierre and Goodlands, the opposition leader said that these conventions will be held separately.