The Cybercrime Unit and the Information Technology Unit are investigating the email that reported a bomb threat on the second floor of the Celicourt Tower building located at Rue Célicourt Antelme on Tuesday, November 23. On Tuesday morning, a secretary at the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) alerted the police after checking the e-mail, which was sent to the official IBA address the previous day after office hours. The director of the IBA was alerted as well. The Bomb Squad Unit of the Special Mobile Force was dispatched to the scene. Employees of the offices and businesses had to evacuate the area, which was searched by the Bomb Disposal Unit. Nothing suspicious was found. Employees returned to work. According to Inspector Coothen, “it was a bad joke,” he says. As a precautionary measure, the nearby Paille en Queue Building had also been evacuated. But by mid-day, employees were able to return to their posts. In fact, the alert would also concern the ICAC. The building in question was evacuated in an emergency.