The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Kailesh Jagutpal, inaugurated a Flu Clinic and an Area Health Centre in Mont Lubin on Saturday 20 August 2022 as he started his three-day visit in Rodrigues. On the same day, the Minister was also present for the launching of a workshop on Hepatitis C at Baladirou.
According to Minister Jagutpal, Rodrigues will be involved in all the Action Plans of his Ministry, namely the Cervical Cancer Action Plan and the Sexual and Reproductive Action Plan. Furthermore, he expressed his confidence in Rodrigues reaching its goal of eliminating Hepatitis C by 2024. Currently, a hundred of Rodriguans receive treatment for this disease.
During his visit, the Minister of Health and Wellness also inaugurated a Community Health Centre (CHC) at Cascades Jean Louis. The CHC has been renovated and will henceforth be open six days a week from 9am to 3pm.