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Port Louis
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Cardinal Piat: Those At The Bottom Of The Ladder Suffers The Most From The Rising Cost Of Living

The Labour Mass was celebrated in the church of Sainte Marie Madeleine in Pointe aux Sables. In his homily, Cardinal Maurice Piat spoke at...

Ramgoolam Vows To Stop Rupee Slide

The PTr leader, Navin Ramgoolam and other leaders have been visiting the graves and other samadhi of several tribunes. He took several vows in...

Steve Obeegadoo: We Made The Choice To Save Lives

The Private Notice Question yesterday focused on tourist arrivals during the year 2021-2022. In his opening response, Steve Obeegadoo justified the decisions taken by...

Inflation Rises To 11.1% In March In Mauritius

According to Statistics Mauritius latest monthly bulletin, the overall inflation rate for the twelve months ending March 2023 stood at 11.1%, compared to 6.0%...

Inflation Hits Alarming 11.0% In February 2023

Inflation reached an alarming 11.0 percent in February 2023, up from 9.0 percent in February 2022. Headline inflation for the 12 months ending February...

Pastoral Letter: Cardinal Piat Is Very Much Concerned By The Cost Of Living, Inflation, And Drugs

"Walking together is opening a path of hope”. This is the theme of Cardinal Maurice Piat's 2023 pastoral letter, presented at the bishopric of...

Pensions: Bizlall Requests A Meeting With The Minister Of Finance

The union negotiator wants an improvement in the pensions benefit system. Jack Bizlall faced the press on Monday at the office of the Federation...

Kazakhstan Discontinue Indefinite Stay For Russians

Kazakhstan has barred Russian nationals from staying in the country indefinitely and will start checking visas of such people every three months, said a...

As From 16 January 2023, The Bank Of Mauritius Is Introducing A New Monetary Policy Framework

The new monetary policy framework aims to enhance the monetary policy transmission mechanism and strengthen the effectiveness of monetary policy. It is a flexible...

High Inflation – The Central Theme Of 2022!

As we move into 2023, the global economy continues to face a confluence of challenges. Inflation has dogged markets this year, with Inflation at...
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