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Sun Tv News Has Nothing To Do With The MSM, Insists Pravind Jugnauth

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No Private Notice Question this Tuesday in the National Assembly. However, the question time slot for the Prime Minister was devoted to a single interpellation, that of Mahend Gungapersad. During supplementary questions, the complaint filed by the Director of Public Prosecutions was raised.

In his opening reply, Pravind Jugnauth revealed that since January 2015, 1,308 complaints have been made to the police about illegal comments and messages on social networks. 47 people have been arrested and provisionally charged compared to 42 cases.

But following a supplementary question from the same MP Gungapersad on the complaints of Nawaz Noorbux, Al Khiz Ramdin and Balkrishna Kaunhye, the Prime Minister referred to the Sun TV Power case. “This Facebook page has nothing to do with the MSM. Does any key relate to the Labour Party?” he said.

Pravind Jugnauth added that since the DPP’s complaint had been registered, a request had been made for the removal of a post on this page. However, the page was no longer active and the identity of the person behind this profile had not been traced.

In response to a supplementary question, Pravind Jugnauth insisted that out of the 42 cases, 6 persons have been convicted, 5 are currently facing trial, 6 have been cautioned and 4 have been cautioned. In 3 cases, it was decided that there would be no further action and 17 cases are pending investigation.

The Prime Minister also announced that the police had launched an investigation into a live broadcast from Al Khiz Ramdin from the Privy Council on Monday 10 July during which a bad word was uttered.

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