A drama played out in the late afternoon of Wednesday, December 8 in Ebene Village where the sister of Reform Party leader Roshi Bhadain lives. His sister, a 42-year-old bank employee, and her daughter, a 17-year-old girl, were attacked by her husband, following a violent argument that degenerated into a bloody fight. After committing this act, Randir Hurdowar, 47 years old and manager at the Financial Service Commission, went to his mother’s home in Roche-Brunes where he stabbed himself several times in the abdomen. He did not survive his injuries. The injured mother and daughter were transported to Wellkin Hospital in Moka.
The Hurdowar couple, who are in the process of getting a divorce, had a heated argument this afternoon, Wednesday, December 8. The husband was attacking his wife with a sharp weapon when his daughter, still a student, tried to intervene. This is how she and her mother were seriously injured. But they were rescued by a neighbor who heard their cries for help. She immediately drove them to Wellkin Hospital. In the meantime, Randir Hurdowar left his home to go to his mother’s house in Roche-Brunes. It was on the first-floor terrace of this house that he killed himself with several stab wounds.
Police officers from Rose-Hill are investigating the attack on the 40-year-old woman and her daughter, while police officers from the Camp-Levieux police station went to Roche-Brunes where the body of Randir Hurdowar was found. His body was taken to the Victoria Hospital morgue in Candos for an autopsy. The autopsy performed by Dr. Sudesh Kumar Gungadin and Maxwell Monvoisin, respectively head of the forensic department of the police and Principal Police Medical Officer attributed the death to a Stabbed wound to the Heart. He suffered at least eight self-inflicted stab wounds.