An operation by police officers from Poudre d’Or’s Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit (Adsu) with logistical support from the police helicopter in the Bypass road area of Goodlands has resulted in the uprooting of two hundred and twenty-five cannabis plants. The plants measure between twenty-seven and two meters and thirty-two centimeters, with an estimated market value of Rs 675,000.
It was on the basis of certain information obtained by the Adsu team in Poudre d’Or concerning a cannabis cultivation that an operation was mounted by Sergeant Grandport’s team. After the police helicopter had flown over the area and spotted cannabis plants in the middle of an overgrown field, the Adsu officers carried out a sweep of the area.
At the rear of King Savers along the Goodlands Bypass road, they came across several cannabis plants of varying heights. In all, there were two hundred and twenty-five plants. They ranged in height from twenty-seven centimetres to two metres and thirty-two centimetres. The plants were taken to the Adsu office in Poudre d’Or as evidence.
An investigation has been launched to trace the alleged grower of these plants.