Pursuant to General Notice No941of 2021, members of the Public are hereby being informed that for the purpose of preventing the spread of Covid-19 in Mauritius, all persons resident in Morcellement Foondun, Terre Rouge, as described herein after, shall remain indoor until 22 July 2021 at 8 p.m cording to the press Brief of Mr K. Servansing, Commissioner of Police.
Moreover, persons resident in the area specified above shall, at no time, leave the area, and persons not resident in the area specified above shall, at no time enter the area.
However, paragraph 2 shall not apply to the following persons or class of persons who must leave, or enter, the area specified above
(a) a person who has to avail himself, or to any other member of his family, of medical treatment, or to procure medicine, or any other item essential for his or his family’s subsistence or livelihood;(
b) a person who is authorised to beoutdoor strictly on allocated days or authorised to carry out specific activities;
(c)employees of the DisciplinedForce while on official duty;
(d)a Judge or Magistrate,or an officer of the Judiciary,designated bythe Chief Justice;
(e) a medical practitioner for the purpose of attending a hospital or private health institution, or for the purpose of domiciliary visits;
(f) a pharmacist for the purpose of attending his pharmacy;
(g) a person who has to avail his pet of veterinary treatment;
(h) a person required to attend a Court by virtue of a summons issued by the Court;
(i) a person who is issued with a permit by the Commissioner of Police under section 3(2) of the Quarantine Act 2020.
Bounded by–
(a) Northern Side: From end of Ponnen Street to end of Manjoo Street, bounded by Long Mountain
(b) Eastern Side: Manjoo Street, from its junction with Frank Street to end of Manjoo Street, bounded by Long Mountain
(c) Western Side: Ponnen Street, from its junction with Frank Street to end of Ponnen Street
(d) Southern Side: Frank Street, from its junction from Ponnen Street to its junction with Manjoo Street
Members of the Public are hereby informed that the Police will exercise strict control with regards to persons entering and exiting the re-defined Red Zone. Residents of the above mentioned area shall at no time travel outside this area and non-residents shall at no time enter this area except front liners of the essential services.
Unauthorised persons found outdoor shall commit an offence under the Quarantine Act 2020 and shall, on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding 500, 000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years.