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How to Get Back in Shape After the Holidays?

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After the excesses of the holidays, the body has a little difficulty to keep the rhythm. Nothing is lost though. Just follow the advice of dietician Vanesha Bhogun.

To get back on track, there are no 36 solutions. Now it’s time to detox, as Vanesha recommends: “We have all abused food and alcoholic drinks. In order for our bodies to recover, we need to offer ourselves a detox based on mint, honey and lemon. All you need to do is add 2 to 3 fresh mint leaves, half a tablespoon of honey and squeeze a little lemon juice into a bottle of water. For it to be really effective, you need to consume it throughout the day”.

Vanesha Bhogun
Vanesha Bhogun

Vanesha also recommends other infusions, “Lemongrass and tea can also help with bloating.”

A cure of vitamin C would not be too much according to the dietician: “In this post holiday period I invite Mauritians to consume a lot of fruits rich in vitamin C like oranges. Fruits are very good fat burners. Dark chocolate can also help.

Swimming can also get you back on track.

A little sport, can also do the trick: “15 minutes of walking will be enough to re-energize the body. Swimming is also a complete sport to get back in top shape at the beginning of the year.”

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