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Highlights Of Cabinet Meeting – Friday 11 August 2023

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The Cabinet met today under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth. The highlights of the deliberations are as follows:

  1. Cabinet has taken note that the Public Procurement (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2023, would be promulgated to, give effect to measures, relating to public procurement as announced in the Budget Speech 2023/24.
  2. Cabinet has taken note that the Education (Amendment No. 6) Regulations 2023 would be promulgated so as to revoke Regulation 52(2)(b) of the Education Regulations 1957. This consequential amendment is being brought to align the Education Regulations 1957 with the Education Act, which has been amended through the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023.
  3. Cabinet has taken note that the Dental Council (Medical Institutions) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 would be promulgated. The Regulations provide for the listing and recognition of the University Malaya, Malaysia, and the University Mohammed V de Rabat, Morocco.
  4. Cabinet has agreed to the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space of India, regarding cooperation on the development of a joint small satellite. The main objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding would be to jointly develop a small satellite for Mauritius with the intention of sharing knowledge on building and operating a small satellite as well as utilising the data from the joint satellite after its To achieve these objectives, the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council and the Indian Space Research Organisation would carry out joint activities on the development, launching and operation of the Satellite, use of the Ground Station of Mauritius Research and Innovation Council and the capacity building of its staff.
  5. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a General Cooperation Agreement and an Agreement on the creation of a Bilateral Commission between the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the Government of the Republic of Angola.

The General Cooperation Agreement aims at strengthening collaboration between the two countries in several areas including political, economic, educational, scientific and cultural spheres. It would also focus on the promotion of   bilateral trade and investment between both countries. The Agreement on the creation of a Bilateral Commission would establish a formal mechanism for diplomatic-level consultations.

  1. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Health and Wellness renewing the existing Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health, Solidarity, Social Protection and Promotion of Gender of the Union of the Comoros, to allow for the free treatment of up to 100 Comorian patients in public hospitals annually.
  2. Cabinet has agreed to the signing of the SADC Declaration on Accelerating Action to End AIDS as a Public Health Threat in the SADC Region by 2030 at the forthcoming SADC Summit of Heads of State to be held from 17 to 18 August 2023 in Angola. The draft SADC Declaration acknowledges the remarkable achievements made by Member States in responding to HIV and AIDS which resulted, amongst others, in the reduction of new HIV infections and the increase in the number of people living with HIV and AIDS accessing antiretroviral therapy. Challenges faced by Member States in preventing the total elimination and the impact of HIV and AIDS are recognised in the draft Declaration.
  3. Cabinet has agreed to the implementation of the Roadmap and Action Plan for a Circular Economy in the Republic of Mauritius. The following five priority focus areas have been identified for the Roadmap and Action Plan based on the economic and circularity potential of Mauritius as well as the level of stakeholder support:
    • agri-food sector;
    • construction and real estate;
    • consumer goods;
    • mobility and logistics; and
    • waste management.
  4. Cabinet has taken note of the findings and recommendations contained in the Report for Mauritius on the Strategic Tool for Assessing Risks and of the actions proposed to be undertaken by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The Strategic Tool for Assessing Risks, developed by the World Health Organization, offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use toolkit and approach to enable the Government to rapidly conduct a strategic and evidence-based assessment of public health risks for planning and prioritisation of health emergency preparedness and disaster risk management activities.

  1. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Health and Wellness conducting a survey on the determinants and consequences of abortion in Mauritius. The overall objective of the survey would be to find out the key determinants leading to abortion and assess the consequences thereof by:
    • determining the factors leading to abortion among women of reproductive age group;
    • determining the extent of illegal and unsafe abortion;
    • assessing the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes on abortion;
    • assessing the consequences of abortion in regard to health and socioeconomic aspect; and
    • capturing data for possible trend analysis.

A Steering Committee chaired by Director General Health Services and comprising relevant stakeholders has been set up to administer and monitor the implementation of the survey. The Steering Committee would be supported by a Technical Committee and confidentiality would be observed during the survey.

  1. Cabinet has agreed to the irrigation dues to be charged to small planters for year 2022/2023, as recommended by the Irrigation Authority. The same rate as 2018 would be levied on small planters for this year.
  2. Cabinet has taken note of the revenue collected from the distiller-bottler and importers for the financial year July 2022 to June 2023. In line with section 47(1B) of the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority Act, the amount collected is remitted to the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate through the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security for payment to sugarcane planters.
  3. Cabinet has taken note that the African Union Commission would hold a Regional Workshop on the popularisation of the African Union policies on the prevention of trafficking in persons and prevention of smuggling of migrants in Africa from 15 to 17 August 2023 in The objectives of the Workshop would be to sensitise Member States and regional economic communities on the policies, promote sharing of experience and best practices on the challenges of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, and establish a regional network of law enforcement agencies for follow-up and review of the implementation of the policies.
  4. Cabinet has taken note of activities being organised by the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change in the context of the “International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer”, which is celebrated annually on 16 September, to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone The theme for this year is “Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change”.

The Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change would organise a series of activities in the months of September and October 2023 to commemorate this Day including a two-day exhibition, a one-day validation workshop, radio programmes, and a training programme.

  1. Cabinet has taken note that World Teacher’s Day would be celebrated on Thursday 05 October 2023 and would be decreed a school holiday for students attending pre-primary, primary and secondary schools and Training Centres of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, as well as for teaching and non-teaching staff of these institutions.
  2. Cabinet has taken note that the Civil Service Kermesse would be held on Sunday 10 December 2023 at the Gymkhana Grounds, Vacoas.
  3. Cabinet has taken note of the participation of the Mauritian delegation in the 9th Edition of the “Jeux de la Francophonie” in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Mauritius has won six gold, four silver and two bronze medals, ranking 8th on the medal table of the Games.
  4. Cabinet has taken note of the status regarding the filling of vacancies in Ministries/Departments for the financial year 2022-2023. As at 30 June 2023, 6,740 vacancies, representing 81 percent of funded vacancies were filled in Ministries and Departments.
  5. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent participation of the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare in the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women’s Empowerment held in Gujrat, The Conference focused on:
    • Digital Skilling for Women’s Empowerment;
    • Skilling Opportunities for Women;
    • Women and Space;
    • Education, a Game Changing Pathway to Women Empowerment;
    • Partnership for Promoting Leadership at Grassroots; and
    • Climate Resilience Action.

The Minister also had discussions with high officials of the Ministry for Women and Child Development of the Government of India in respect of knowledge sharing, technical assistance and capacity building for the empowerment of women.

  1. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent visit of the Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping to During the visit, the Minister participated in a series of activities, including the handing over of various fishing equipment to fishers, as well as a visit to the South East Marine Park Area at Mourouk for a constat de visu of coral restoration.
  2. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development Board, with Mr Harrykrishna Vydelingum as part time Chairperson.
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