After Kalyanee Juggoo, it is Ezra Jhuboo’s turn to leave the Labour Party’s ship. The two are former MPs of the political party. Like Kalyanne Jugoo, Ezra Jhuboo has declared that he is not ending his political career… although he is taking some time off. Ezra Jhuboo had challenged the results in constituency No 14. His petition was the first to be heard. Ezra Jhuboo explains in his letter that he campaigned for a reinvention of the PTr, but his appeal would have been in vain. « In the light of the reconduction of the Political Bureau I am afraid that my appeal for a transformation of the party was in vain. Family contribution, true loyalty, integrity, and more importantly competence matter little for the actual establishment, and consequently I am putting an end to my engagement », he wrote in his resignation letter.