Unearthing, digging up, flushing out and discarding…. He is one of the new blood that the country has been looking for. Bruneau Laurette, an activist and the leader of the new political party, ‘Linion Sitwayin Morisien’ which was formalised on Sunday 29th August. For a year, the latter has carried the banner of ‘Bour li Deor‘ concerning the resignation of members of the government. He adds to his struggle, important members of the opposition who ultimately only fight for their own interests. Bruneau Laurette has been called many names by his opponents, such as ‘manipulator’ and ‘Chatwa’, or more commonly called ‘Haters’. However, with his 10 claims, his political acumen and his investigative talent, he presents himself as a ‘Wolf Dog in a Politician’s Skin’.
From being apolitical to now a politician, a year ago, you were a citizens’ movement. Why did Bruneau Laurette enter the political arena?
It is quite true to say that I did not want to be a politician. As a citizen, I have always been concerned with social issues and the various injustices have always aroused my indignation and anger. This is why I have always been committed to fighting all forms of injustice. Nevertheless, I believed that those involved in active and party politics could and should make things change through our decision-making bodies.
But after twelve months of dialogue, consultation and promises from politicians of all political spectrum to combat what is plaguing our country and its citizens, I had to face the truth: the politicians elected to represent the people in parliament are not interested in solving the real problems of the very people who elected them. The misery of the people is their hunting ground on which they feed themselves when they pretend to be in opposition and when they are in government, they don’t care because they are now in power and have only one motive, namely to line their pockets on the backs of the people. This betrayal of the people’s trust disgusts me.
It is this culture of betrayal that has become the way our parliamentarian’s function today that has challenged me and I was left with the sole option of finding a solution. I talked about it with committed comrades for a reflection and to come up with a concrete action. That’s when the idea of creating a political party was born. Because if you want a profound change, it is normal to roll up your sleeves and commit yourself to it, and if the solution is political and not only social, then you have to go for it. This is the commitment that ‘Linion Sitwayin Morisien’ is making today to the people and I am putting myself at the service of the party that we have created, as a leader. However, each member of the party has an important role to play in order to thwart this infernal system and we put ourselves at the service of the people to defend them at all levels, whether social, economic or political.
One year after the big demonstration in Port Louis, what did you achieve? Was it a useful or useless exercise?
No citizens’ action is useless. The people have made their rejection of this government loud and clear. History will remember the discipline of these people and their political maturity. I would say that no country and no people in the world have been able to make such a demonstration of crowds with such discipline. But more than anything, we have demonstrated that we are a true nation and that Mauritianism is not an empty slogan. We proved that we are a nation embracing our diversity with pride around our quadricolour and singing ‘motherland’ with one voice. That was on 29th August 2020.
Those, who did not understand or who refused to hear, will be wrong.
A new party is difficult to get a foothold; in fact, others have tried and failed. We have seen it all, so what do you think will ensure your success, in the short term and your continuity?
The answer belongs to the people of Mauritius.
Municipal elections are nearing… Do you think you can go for it alone? ‘Linion Sitwayin Morisien’, it is said, will have its feet in the electorate.
The question is premature. Once the official announcement of the elections is made, the executive of Linion Sitwayin Morisien will make its decision known. However, I can tell you that compromises and compromises at the expense of the people will never be on the agenda of Linion Sitwayin Morisien.
We hear that the creation of your party is already causing some major parties to cringe. Why do you think this is?
‘Avek lepep, Par lepep, Pou lepep’. This is our slogan, our understanding of politics, our commitment. If this makes people cringe, it is surely because they must think that the people are taking back their rights and that the big clean-up will not be long.
The big question that many are asking themselves is who is Bruneau Laurette running for? And who is riding for Bruneau Laurette and Linion Sitwayin Morisien?
The answer is simple and clear. The interest and welfare of the people is at the centre of our commitment within Linion Sitwayin Morisien. We walk with the people, for the interest and welfare of the Mauritian people. The poorest of the poor, those whose rights are violated, and those who suffer injustice at any level are our priority. Moreover, we are marching towards a better future to be created together in unity. This is who I am riding for, to use your expression, and this is for whom my comrades in the Linion Sitwayin Morisien are riding for. The party is composed of a large panel of lawyers, activists, trade unionists, former councillors, NGOs for justice and a former ambassador.
As new blood in the political arena, tell us about the key issues you are fighting for?
Here are the 10 demands of Linion Sitwayin Morisien
- Review the lifetime pension of MPs.
- A Public Protectors Act where ministers and MPs will be charged and sentenced to jail.
- Plan to build studio, 2 bedroom and 3-bedroom houses.
- Regularise the fishermen’s card, from 3 years of activity with training and pension plan.
- The Commissioner of Police should be promoted on the basis of meritocracy, time served and qualification and not be a mere political appointee.
- A new Constitution.
- Prime Minister’s term limited to 2 terms only.
- Reform of the electoral system.
- Abolish the Best Loser System in favour of proportional representation. Allow small parties and representatives of civil society to participate in parliamentary democracy. For a participatory democracy.
- Right to vote for Mauritians in the diaspora holding a Mauritian passport and cancellation of the right to vote for foreign workers.