The Labour parliamentary group faced the press yesterday morning. Arvin Boolell spoke about the attacks on journalists and political opponents. He said that the government has recruited experts who know how to eavesdrop. “Even Whatsapp is not secure anymore. We are all bugged and monitored,” he said. He added that today, journalists and political opponents are queuing up to go and record precautionary measures. He also denounced the “visceral attacks” against journalists. For him, the people condemn all attacks on access to information.
“Pa gagn drwa intimid zournalis,” said Arvin Boolell at a Labor Party (PTr) press conference, commenting on the alleged hit-list, containing the names of journalists, released following revelations about the death of Soopramanien Kistnen.
He said that a letter was sent this Friday, November 11 to several foreign media including Le Monde, Le Figaro and BBC, among others. But also to embassies and international bodies such as the United Nations, the European Union and the African Union to denounce what he calls “freedom of expression under attack.”