In connection with the Kistnen case, the group of barristers, known as the Avengers, had a meeting with the new Acting Police Commissioner, Anil Kumar Dip at the police headquarters this afternoon. After the meeting, Me. Rama Valayden declared to the members of the press that he has handed over the names of two suspects directly linked to the murder of the MSM activist, Kistnen.
Me. Valayden also spoke about the march they will be organizing to mark the first anniversary of Kistnen’s death. Several meetings between the Avengers and political parties are on the agenda as part of the march scheduled on 16th October in order to seek their support. They also hope to have the support of Haris Boodhoo, who is well known for the various protest movements he has organized in the past. Rama Valayden took the opportunity to wish Dr Navin Ramgoolam a good recovery.