Yesterday, the leader of the opposition leader’s Private Notice Question concerns serious allegations against the police force. In his reply, Pravind Jugnauth indicated that an investigation had been initiated by the Major Crime Investigation Team, and the case may be referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for any action deemed necessary. For the head of government, these are merely “allegations” as stated by the leader of the opposition. Allegations are always subject to verifications and investigations by the competent authorities. Pravind Jugnauth repeated several times that these are allegations thus maintaining that he could not comment at this stage.
On Friday, 09 June 2023 on a program streamed on Teleplus, the contents of a pen drive alluding to alleged malpractices by some Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit/Special Striking Team officers were aired live. After taking cognizance of the contents of the program, a Police Communique was issued by the Office of the Commissioner of Police which, inter-alia, invites Mr N. N. to hand over the said pen drive to the Police for investigation. Furthermore, on the same day, an enquiry has been initiated into the matter by the CCID. Related to this case, Mr N. N. has been convened at the CCID on Monday at 10 00 hours. The inquiry has been entrusted to the Major Crime Investigation Team, which is a specialized unit of the Police.
Pravind Jugnauth said that the Commissioner of Police set up the Special Striking Team in August 2022, to enable the Police to maintain its momentum in the fight against crimes, including drug trafficking. The Special Striking Team is not meant to replace or to substitute any other Unit within the Police Force, but instead its, role is to complement the other adjuncts of the Force in the fight against crimes and in particular, Drug Trafficking. Depending on the outcome of the preliminary investigations.
Hence, as it is the case for other Units, the goal of the Special Striking Team is to improve the reactive capability of Police, through prompt responses to crime situations, thereby meeting the justified expectations of the community and providing a high level of service delivery. And since its coming into operation, the Special Striking Team which, is headed by an Assistant Superintendent of Police, has since its setting up on 03 August 2022 to date, arrested 58 persons in respect of 81 cases. The total street value of drugs seized is approximately Rs 355 million.
The Prime minister reminded the house that the police force has a glorious history and has served the country well for more than 250 years of its existence. It certainly faces huge challenges due to changes in the policing environment and it has to change and adapt to the new realities and exigencies, and it is our duty to facilitate this transition such that the police can continue to deliver on its mandate in an efficient and effective manner. Our police force comprises more than 15,000 men and women the large majority of whom are discharging their duties with dedication and professionalism and are thus maintaining both safety and security which are so vital for our socio-economic development.For the PM, it is disheartening to see some people in the media and in the opposition ready to seize every opportunity to discredit the police force and are bent on sapping the morale of the whole police force with their irresponsible comments. However, the Prime minister maintains that his government will not tolerate or condone any misconduct on the part of any brebis-galeuse.