A 37-year-old maintenance worker at a Pointe aux Canonniers hotel was brought before the Pamplemousses court on Tuesday morning, June 27, on a charge of manslaughter by negligence. The resident of Pavillon, Cap-Malheureux, had gone to the Trou aux Biches police station on Friday June 2 to admit that it was he who had hit a man standing on the edge of the Route Royale in Trou aux Biches on the previous day, June 1, panicking and failing to stop. The victim, Taslim Jahalal, 46, succumbed to his injuries on the evening of Friday June 23.
Taslim Jahalal was hit by a car near the Mexico snack bar in Trou aux Biches at around 6.50 pm on Thursday June 1. The vehicle had not stopped. Police on the scene found an unconscious man bleeding profusely. He was rushed to the Hôpital du Nord, where he was placed in the intensive care unit.
The driver of the car was brought before the Pamplemousses court on the morning of Monday June 5 on a provisional charge of manslaughter and reckless assault. He was released on bail the same day. On June 13, the investigation was handed over to the Criminal Investigation Division in Trou aux Biches. On Monday June 26, the driver of the car was taken to the CID office for questioning in the presence of his lawyer on a charge of manslaughter. It didn’t take long for the suspect to confess. He was placed in a cell at the Piton detention center. On Tuesday morning June 27, he was brought before the Pamplemousses court.
An autopsy was carried out on the victim at the morgue of the Dr A.G.Jeetoo Hospital, Port-Louis on the morning of Saturday June 24, by Dr Maxwell Monvoisin, Principal Police Medical Officer. He attributed Taslim Jahalal’s death to craniocerebral lesions.