Parliamentary business was adjourned on Wednesday to Tuesday, June 29, after the committee’s review of budget allocations ended. No amendment was made to the Committee of Supply by vote. It was the budget of the Ministry of Civil Service which was last examined by parliamentarians.
During this fiscal year, Civil Service Minister Vikram Hurdoyal took the opportunity to wish officials a Happy Public Service Day. Getting to the heart of the matter, the Minister of Civil Service says he has already taken measures to reduce the cost of buildings, as recommended by the National Audit Office. He said in this regard that his ministry has decided to stop renting a floor located at SICOM Tower. He also announced that his ministry is continuing with its program of information of its services. He said he got help from the UNDP to fund Electronic Voting Facilities for parliamentarians in the National Assembly. The management of the Human Resource Management System (MRMS) was also the subject of the Minister’s comments. He claimed that this government PTr-PMSD project has cost the government around Rs 430 million so far. Due to the inconvenience encountered with this project, the government had to abandon it to make way for another system.
The budget of the Ministry of Gender Equality was also reviewed. Responsible Minister Kalpana Koonjoo-Shah pointed out that the Hope app, which helps people in distress, recorded 637 cases of Panic Alarm between November 2020 and June this year. Also, she said 2,425 cases of domestic violence were reported last year. The Minister of Arts and Culture, Avinash Teeluck, says his side that the national archives will be housed in a new building. He also announced that an Arabic Union will soon be created. Responding to a question from MP Aadil Ameer meea on the recruitment criteria for the Islamic Cultural Center, he had to stress that this organization has its own criteria to carry out this exercise.