The young man appeared in Rose-Hill Court this afternoon. Police objected to his release on bail. The 24-year-old suspect was returned to police custody.
A provisional charge of causing child to be sexually abused was laid against him.
The questioning of the speech therapist by the Barkly Field Intelligence Unit will continue this afternoon. His cell phone and laptop have been seized for investigation purposes.
The speech therapist has been working at the school for almost a month. He was arrested yesterday after allegations of sexual touching were made by students at the school. Up to now, he rejected the allegations made against him.
The investigation for this part is being carried out by Chief Inspector Moorghen and the Barkly police, while the Family Protection Unit is taking the victims’ version. It heard from six minors yesterday, in the presence of their parents, an officer from the Child Development Unit and a sign language interpreter. They gave detailed accounts of how they were touched and filmed.
The Director of the Special Education Need Authority (SENA) of the Ministry of Education, Arvin Authelsingh, says he is monitoring the situation closely. Two inspectors have been sent to the school and a report has been submitted. Psychologists have also been sent to accompany the parents and the victims, who will receive follow-up. “If the guilt of the person is established, of course, sanctions will be taken. We have already started to work in the field and we have gone to meet parents and staff of specialised institutions on the island to see how to improve things. We must not forget that children with disabilities are at greater risk of being abused. We are not going to tolerate this kind of thing.