The questioning of former commerce minister Yogida Sawmynaden continued Monday 14 June in the Moka court. In response to a question from Roshi Bhadain, Khoumada Sawmynaden’s lawyer, the former minister said that he had been talking to a certain Soubash on the phone.
This person, according to Roshi Bhadain, was involved in the disappearance and murder of a woman who was found six days later in a sugarcane field. Yogida Sawmynaden also admitted, when pressed by the magistrate, that the person in question was the concubine of the woman who now occupies the premises of the building belonging to the ex-minister at rue Mère Barthelemy in Port-Louis.
The representative of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Me Azam Neerooa, stressed that there are aspects of the investigation that have not been considered by the police. He obtained permission to summon CCID boss Heman Jangi on the spot.
However, it was the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Vikash Seebaruth of the CCID, who appeared at the resumption of the judicial enquiry.
It should be recalled that it was the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who instituted a judicial enquiry to shed light on the death of Soopramanien Kistnen. The death of the MSM activist is still shrouded in mystery. The 52-year-old was found burnt to death in a cane field in Moka last October. The autopsy revealed that the victim had already died before his body was burned.