Gino Dasse, Vimen Sabapati’s driver, appeared in court in Port-Louis this morning. He is facing a provisional charge of assisting in the commission of an offence. It has been decided that Laval Gino Steve Dasse will remain in custody pending the outcome of the investigation. He was arrested by the Special Striking Team. He is accused of giving false information during his initial interrogation. Gino Brasse subsequently went to the Special Striking Team headquarters for further questioning. He was assisted by Niven Mooneesawmy.
Vimen Sabapati will lodge a complaint with the Independent Police Complaints Commission this afternoon. He has been granted permission to do so by the Port Louis court. Vimen Sabapati was arrested for drug trafficking by the Special Striking Team on 3 May. He will be going to the IPCC at 2pm. He is contesting several aspects of his arrest.