A rental bus overtaking a car on the Royal Road in Mahebourg collided with a master’s car before mowing down two pedestrians on the pavement late on Wednesday afternoon, May 18. Koontee Bageeruthee, 74, also known as Mantee, and Basdeo Ramnoher, 81, also known as Ramjit, were rushed to the Mahébourg Hospital where they were pronounced dead. A 2-year-old baby who was in the car with his mother was injured. They were admitted to the Jawaharlall Nehru Hospital in Rose-Belle.
The accident occurred at around 3.45pm on Wednesday 18 May on Route Royale in Mahebourg, not far from the RAR pharmacy. A Toyota Contract Bus coming from Beau-Vallon was driving towards Mahebourg. In a manoeuvre to overtake a car, the driver, a 62-year-old man living in Atlee, Forest-Side, was to hit a car after losing control of his vehicle. Instead of applying the brakes, he said he accelerated his vehicle. He then hit a white Toyota driven by a 32-year-old man of Ruisseau Délice, Ville Noire. His 29-year-old wife and their 2-year-old daughter were in the vehicle.
After colliding with the car, the Contract Bus struck two pedestrians who were walking on the pavement to the right of the road. The two pedestrians, Koontee Bageeruthee and Basdeo Ramnoher, suffered serious injuries and were rushed to the hospital in Mahebourg. Unfortunately, the doctors on duty had to declare them dead.
The two occupants of the car, mother and daughter, were taken to Rose-Belle Hospital for treatment. They were subsequently admitted to the ward. A breath test was carried out on both drivers. This was negative. The driver of the Contract Bus was arrested and detained at the Rivière des Anguilles police station. On the evening of Wednesday 18 May, an autopsy was carried out on the bodies of the two victims by Dr Prem Chamane, Principal Police Medical Officer. He attributed the cause of death of Basdeo Ramnoher to shock from injuries to the abdomen. Koontee Bageeruthee died of multiple injuries.
The driver of the Contract Bus was brought before the Mahébourg court on Thursday morning, 19 May. He is facing a provisional charge of manslaughter. He was released on bail.
The funerals of these two victims of road accidents took place on Thursday 19 May. They were cremated at the Tombeau crematorium in Mahebourg.
An investigation has been initiated at the Mahébourg police station to shed light on the exact circumstances of this accident.