Initially scheduled for February 13, the regional elections will take place this Sunday, after an electoral campaign that took place under exceptional conditions, due to the situation of ‘COVID-19’ in the island. The Rodriguans will have until 3 pm to vote. An innovation, the counting will be done on the same day in five colleges and Rodrigues will know its new leadership team. The results could be proclaimed at the latest at 10 pm. The result for the proportional representation will be known on Monday morning.
Some 600 civil servants have been mobilized for these elections. Among them, a dozen from Mauritius. Irfan Rahman, currently in Rodrigues, has had several meetings and training with them. The 33,500 ballots have already returned to Rodrigues since Thursday afternoon under heavy police escort and has been kept under seal at the police headquarters in Port Mathurin.
The various formations and alliances that are running for votes in Rodrigues have submitted their respective party lists to the office of the Electoral Commissioner in Port Mathurin.
On that of the Rodrigues Movement, which is solo as the OPR, there is the name of the leader first. Nicolas Von-Mally was on the proportional list of his party in 2017, and even though he is a candidate in Region 4.
François Grandcourt, the outgoing Minority leader, is on the proportional list of the Alliance Liberation. Unlike Nicolas Von-Mally, Franceau Grandcourt will not be a candidate in tomorrow’s election. As a reminder, the Liberation Alliance includes the Rodrigues Independents Movement, the Union of the People of Rodrigues and the Rodrigues Militant Movement. It has reached an electoral agreement with the Rodrigues Alliance, which includes the PMSD-Rodrigues and the Rodrigues Patriotic Front Ecology.
In addition, we note that this year there are many more young people who will vote. With these flows of young people who are on social networks, they manage to make analyses and discover the messages of each party and alliances. In addition, we have a high percentage of the electorate that is undecided in every election. This year’s trend shows that these voters don’t go to the rallies, don’t look at the programs.