“The Pravind Jugnauth regime has lost the battle against Covid-19,” Arvin Boolell said in a press conference this Friday. He added that “on all fronts, the government has lost the battle!” The problem, he explained, is that the population is also losing. According to Arvin Boolell, in the fight against crime, violence, paedophilia and even productivity, the government has lost the battle. He referred to the fact that three teenagers have lost their lives to suicide in recent days. For Arvin Boolell, 53 years after independence, instead of having a debate on the Constitution and the Standing Orders, the government spends its time spin doctoring. This is to the benefit of the MSM, which he described as the ‘party of decadence’. Arvin Boolell also expressed his opposition to the government’s decision to appoint a commission of enquiry into the conditions under which the Betamax charter contract was awarded and terminated. According to him, there is a “political vengeance” behind this decision.