There was an incredible turn of events at the Moka court during the judicial inquiry to shed light on the death of Soopramanien Kistnen. Dr. Ananda Sunnassee said he discovered on Wednesday that the signature of Dr. Sudesh Kumar Gungadin, head of the forensic department, is also on his autopsy report. He said that this is not in practice. « My report is my report. Nobody has to right to add or remove something », said Dr Sunnasse. Azam Neerooa, representing the DPP, then said that « the report has been manipulated and it is a clear case of forgery.»
The representative of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions also drew the attention of the court to the fact that he suspects manipulation of the autopsy report of the former MSM agent at No. 8, Soopramanien Kistnen.
It is noted that the autopsy report submitted to ASP Seeburuth of the MCIT had two signatures namely that of the medical examiner, Dr Ananda Sunnassee who performed the autopsy of Soopramanien Kistnen and that of the head of the forensic department of the police, Dr Sudesh Gungadin. However, the report produced by Dr Ananda Sunnassee in court this morning bore only her signature.
Dr Ananda Sunnassee was heard on the autopsy of Soopramanien Kistnen. The coroner, Shaila Jankee-Parsad had claimed that she had requested that Soopramanien Kistnen’s remains be taken to Victoria Hospital, Candos, but the body was diverted to Jeetoo Hospital. The body was thus autopsied by Dr Ananda Sunnassee on the instructions of the head of the forensic department of the police, Dr Sudesh Gungadin.