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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Franklin Trial Postponed Until 6 June In Reunion Island

Initially scheduled for Thursday May 2, the trial of Jean Hubert Cèlerine, alias Franklin, before the criminal court of Saint Denis could not take...

Franklin Extradited To Reunion Island Yesterday Afternoon

In regard to the Zamal Réunion-Maurice traffic, Franklin has been extradited by MK 238 to St-Denis, Reunion at at around 7 pm yesterday. As...

Franklin’s Challenge Of The Extradition Decision Will Be Called On 19 Feb

Jean Hubert Célerine is challenging the magistrate-Shavina Jugnauth's decision to extradite him to Reunion Island. The case was called on Monday, 5 th January...

Attorney General’s Office Resists Franklin’s Request To Challenge His Extradition To Réunion Island

Jean-Hubert Célerine, alias Franklin, is challenging Magistrate Shavina Jugnauth's decision to extradite him to his sister island. The verdict was handed down on January...

Port-Louis Court Orders Extradition Of Franklin To Réunion Island

Jean Hubert Celerine is eligible to extradition to Réunion Island. This is the conclusion of magistrate Shavina Jugnauth. She ordered, this afternoon, that Franklin...

Franklin Resists A Motion By The Attorney General To Appeal To The Privy Council

The case relates to a judgement handed down on 16 November last by the Supreme Court. The judges had ruled in Franklin's favour, overturning...

Supreme Court Rejects Franklin’s Bail Review

In the view of Justices Iqbal Maghooa and Shameem Hamuth-Laulloo, there is sufficient evidence to support Senior Magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnauth's grounds of objection to...

Franklin Extradition Proceedings Must Proceed Without Delay, Supreme Court Rules

The Bail Act applies in the case relating to the Attorney General's request for Franklin's extradition. This was the conclusion reached by Justices Rita...

Franklin Threatened With Sanctions For Contempt Of Court By Magistrate Shavina Jugnauth

The hearing in the Port-Louis District Court came to a stormy end on Monday 25 September. As Franklin left the courtroom, after magistrate Shavina...

Franklin Talks About His Misery At Melrose Prison

In Port-Louis District Court yesterday, Franklin talks about his misery at Melrose prison. « They spit in my food and give me stale bread,”...
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