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Rodrigues Prepares For The Aftermath Of Serge Clair: A Three-Way Fight Is Not Excluded

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The regional elections of Rodrigues are scheduled for February 13. The big question is who will be the leader of the OPR, who will replace the chief commissioner, Serge Clair?

Indeed, it may well be that the one, who has served as chief commissioner since the 2012 elections, will not run for a new term.  His health problems would be one of the main reasons.  If the PPS Francisco Francisco, in all likelihood, is not, candidate in the regional election. He will keep his seat in the National Assembly, which could propel Franchette Gaspard Pierre Louis as leader within the OPR.

Franceau Grandcourt
Franceau Grandcourt

Within the Rodriguan People’s Organization (OPR), even if there is nothing official for the moment, several names are already circulating. Like that of the current Deputy Chief Commissioner, Nicolson Lisette, or Franchette Gaspard Pierre Louis.  However, in the event that François takes part in this election at the regional level he will have to resign from his position at the National Assembly, which will have an effect on the national team.

On the other hand, in view of these elections, some opposition parties want to join forces for a common block. Following the example of the PMSD Rodrigues with Vincent Perrine as president, the Union of the People of Rodrigues of Franceau Grandcourt, the leader of the Rodrigues opposition and the party of Johnson Roussety, the Patriotic Front Rodrigues Ecology. Moreover the leaders of these political formations did not reject this idea, on the contrary.

Johnson Roussety
Johnson Roussety

The former chief commissioner, Johnson Roussety, who is in Australia, will have to make the trip to Rodrigues in the coming days. On social networks, he made it clear that his bags are already packed.

However, no indication on who will lead this common front.

Nicolas Von Mally
Nicolas Von Mally

On the other hand, the Rodrigues Movement of Nicolas Von Mally would probably not be included in this common front. An alliance between the OPR is not excluded.

Nomination Day is scheduled for January 22. The party registration exercise will be held on January 10 and 11. A novelty, the counting will be done on the day of the election.

This will give us a clearer idea of the forces at work.

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