There are about 265 Rodriguans still stranded in Mauritius since months, even if they are already registered to be repatriated. This follows the suspension of flights between and Rodrigues on the 10th of March, following the lockdown in Mauritius due to the propagation of the ‘COVID-19’ virus. The repatriation process of rodriguans who are in Mauritius started on the 3rd of April, when a first batch of our fellow countrymen were sent for quarantine before getting back to Rodrigues. Since then, many have been repatriated but others are still waiting for the authorities to decide whether and when they will be able to come back to their homeland. Several actions were undertaken to inform the authorities about their situation in Mauritius. Namely pacific marches and press conferences, among others. Some of them have even filed complaints at the Equal Opportunity’s Commission, as according to them, the policy of the regional government regarding the repatriation process is discriminatory. Some of them said that some people who did not even have a return ticket have already been sent back to Rodrigues in order to escape the risk of getting contaminated by the virus. In the meantime, those who are still in Mauritius think that they have been abandoned by our leaders. Their relatives in Rodrigues are living in anguish. Children have resumed school without their mother or father. Entire families are affected by this unbearable situation.
About a dozen of these rodriguans had a meeting with the Leader of the Opposition Xavier-Luc Duval on the 25th of June, in view to find a solution. And from what was gathered, it seems that the Mauritian authorities are agreable to repatriate them, but actually the problem lies with the RRA, who is reluctant for their coming back. The Leader of the Opposition asked a PNQ on this issue at the National Assembly on the 30th of June and the Prime minister replied that since the month of march, some 700 rodriguans have been registered for repatriation. He also indicated that a repatriation flight is scheduled for the 4th of July. Those stranded in Mauritius are contemplating to engage legal actions to get justice and be able to get back home.
To note that since this problem occurred in March, many of those stranded have died in Mauritius due to the stress caused by this uncertain situation, of moral and psychological distress, and of the anguish which is resulted. The latest death is that of Meryame Latour, who passed away on the 23rd of June. Several dead bodies are still in Mauritius since months, pending repatriation. And their relatives are still not able to mourn their loved ones. This serious problem is still making the headlines, while still shedding tears. At first, some 440 rodriguans were concerned by the repatriation process. Finally, things have not turned out as they expected. Some of them are in Mauritius since the month of February. The protocols and the repatriation procedures are drafted by the Ministry of Health, the Mauritius Tourism Authority and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.