The cross-examination of the head of government in the case of Suren Dayal’s election petition continued this Monday morning before Justice David Chan and Justice Karuna Devi Gunesh-Balaghee. Pravind Jugnauth was confronted to the various increase of the old-age pension, from Rs 3,634 in November 2014 to Rs 5 000 in December 2014, then from Rs 6 210 in November 2019 to Rs 9000 in December 2019.
Barrister Robin Ramburn stated that in 5 years, there was an increase of 71,4%. Pravind Jugnauth stated that he does not consider this as being “outrageous”. He added that he wants to align the old-age pension with the minimum wage. He also stated that he “proposed to increase the old-age pension to Rs 13 500”. “It was a proposal he said and not a decision”, he added.
He also told the court that in 2019, even the Alliance Nationale promised to increase the pension to Rs 10 000, a figure which is greater that what he proposed. Pravind Jugnauth also insisted that in his speech that day, he spoke on housing, drains and other subjects.