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Pravind Jugnauth: My Priority Is To Bring Down The Kingpins And The Mafia

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Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth has reiterated his commitment to his fight to eradicate drugs but above all, to bring down the kingpins and the mafia. He also challenged his critics to prove where he acted illegally in the deportation of the Scandinavian, Peter Uricek.

10th anniversary of the Shrimati Govindramen SEN School

Eradicate Drugs and Traffic!

Pravind Jugnauth was attending the 10th anniversary of the Shrimati Govindramen SEN School in Union Vale and the 6th anniversary of the Govindramen Ashram on Saturday 04 June. But referring to the scourge of drugs in the country and his plans made and to be made for the rehabilitation of the young victims, the Prime Minister said that “I will do my utmost to eradicate drugs from Mauritius and for this, we need the contribution of all, like the Arya Sabha. We have made record seizures. It was my government that set up a Commission of Inquiry on drugs. It is an ongoing battle. The barons are trying to circumvent the authority but as long as I am here, they will not succeed,” he warned.

10th anniversary of the Shrimati Govindramen SEN School

“Instead of barking, take me to court legally!”

He immediately returned to the case of Peter Uricek and the accusations against him. “We didn’t know anything about this man until the authorities in his own country gave us information. That’s how we knew that he was involved in fraudulent transactions of over Rs 700 million, that he was part of an organized crimes gang and was sentenced to 22 years in prison. As Prime Minister, I could not let him stay in the country. So, I acted with the Scandinavian authorities and this was within the law. I challenge anyone who accuses me that I did not respect the law. Instead of barking, take me to court legally under my title of Prime Minister and try to charge me with Contempt of Court. I look forward to those who are really serious but not those who accuse without basis. When I say I do! My priority is to bring down the barons and these mobsters. I recently had to pass a law to regulate satellite phones which I, as Prime Minister, do not use. I could go on and on about the power and capabilities of these mafiosi. My priority is that our children have a healthier environment,” he said at the double celebration.

6th anniversary of the Govindramen Ashram

2021/2022 budget: 137 million for SEN and 14 million for RCA

As other main points, the PM recalled the importance of academic education, “which is free at all levels, even at tertiary level, thanks to my government“, the importance of “social education and the inculcation of good values that the student will not find in his books but within his entourage”. This is what will make them better adults. Regarding the care of children with disabilities and the SEN schools under the management of the Arya Sabha, Pravind Jugnauth admitted that “the Union Vale school has come to complete a work that was started at the Beau Ballon school for children with disabilities. This work is best done by non-governmental organizations with the contribution of the government is funding“. He thus recalled that the Achieving Meaningful Change Reform is especially for those who want to give their all to succeed. Returning to the Special Education Needs Authority Act, he said: “In December 2018, the adoption of the Special Education Needs Authority Act, has brought about profound changes for children in difficulties, and the Board was then set up very quickly in February 2019. The Board has put in place special education programmes and ensured that the policy for these children is in line with the international conventions of the United Nations.” He said the 42 NGOs running 53 schools are getting financial assistance from the government, such as grants for staff salaries and a grant of Rs 6000 for each child. “According to the 2021/2022 Budget, we have allocated Rs 137 million for SEN and Rs 14 million for RCA. In 2020/2021, the budget had allocated a one-off Grant of Rs 100,000 for each of the 53 SEN schools.” They have already received the first instalment of this Grant as here at Govindramen SEN and work has already started. They will soon receive the second tranche. “We have also arranged for professional services such as psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, audiologists and adapted carers.”

10th anniversary of the Shrimati Govindramen SEN School

Medical Care at home: 24,253 beneficiaries

For the PM, the elderly population is “our treasure” and said that “the people can testify to the increase in pensions and other financial assistance.” Since 2017, we have 21 Private Care Homes under the supervision of Welfare Elderly Person Protection Unit. In Govindramen Ashram, there are about 50 single residents, many of whom are bedridden and are being cared for. If in 2020, the government gave an allowance to the severely disabled and bedridden as well as the over 90s, “we have modified this part to give a regular doctor’s follow-up service at home. 24,253 people benefit from this service. Our older people are our treasures, and it is our duty to take care of them.”

Speaking about Covid 19 which brought the world to its knees and greatly affected the ageing population, the PM recalled its support which is still in force to this day. He returned to the effects of the war in Ukraine, which is beyond the control of the government; and spoke of a possible shortage of basic commodities on the market, such as wheat, edible oil among others. “As a government, we are going to cope, and we are going to make sure that there is no shortage of commodities. When there is inflation, it is unfortunate that it is those at the bottom who take the hardest hit. We have a contingency plan, we will help the elderly and those at the bottom, but also manage the country responsibly,” he said.

He announced that the Recreation Centre in Riambel is being finalized. He took the opportunity to announce that the plan for the Home Project in Palmar is being finalized and that the engineers are encountering a major problem on the site chosen for the Home in Flic en Flac, where the soil would be unstable for such a construction.

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