A provisional charge of rape and sexual abuse of a minor was lodged against a 28-year-old carpenter this Friday, October 21 in the Pamplemousses court. This suspect, living in the village of Poudre D’Or, was arrested in the early evening of Thursday, October 20, following a statement of rape made against him by his concubine and a statement of sexual abuse made by the 11-year-old daughter of this woman. The latter, aged 41, and her daughter were seen by a psychologist before giving their statements. They were subsequently taken to the North Hospital for treatment and admitted to the sexual abuse protocol.
The forty-year-old woman explained in her statement that she lives in concubinage with this carpenter. From this relationship was born a 3-year-old daughter. She is also the mother of an 11-year-old daughter from her first marriage. On Wednesday, October 19, around 10 am, she was in the company of a friend living in Bois d’Oiseaux, Poudre D’Or. Her companion, who was consuming alcohol in the yard, began to misbehave, lifting her blouse to expose her breast. She said she reprimanded him for this act. At around 5 p.m., his girlfriend said, he started doing the same thing before pushing her onto a metal bed. Her friend intervened, whereupon her concubine ordered him to leave her house.
The carpenter locked the door after her friend left to have sex with her without her consent. The forty-year-old told police that she could not scream or defend herself because she had been drinking. The victim, who felt pain in her body, wanted to be examined by a doctor.
On the same day, the 11-year-old daughter of the victim filed a complaint against her mother’s partner for sexual abuse. It was in the presence of her brother, a 22-year-old bricklayer, that this statement was recorded by a policewoman from the family protection brigade. In 2020, his stepfather, who was under the influence of alcohol, had taken him to a cane field to sexually abuse him. This was after he had hit her in the face because she had initially refused to do certain things. In 2021, it is in a plantation of peppers that this man had led it to satisfy his sexual urges. Last October 15, she was forced to satisfy this man always in a state of drunkenness in the absence of her mother.
In the early evening of Thursday, October 20, this carpenter was apprehended by a team of police officers from Poudre d’Or. After a night spent in a cell at the police station of Pointe aux Canonniers, this morning of Friday October 21, he was presented to the court. He was then taken back to his cell.