Parents of three children, a couple driving a 2×4 along Avenue Les Flammants, Pereybère were arrested in the early hours of Wednesday morning, November 15. This after two plastic bags containing two kilos of cannabis and a nylon wallet containing the sum of Rs 48,178 were found in their possession. The market value of the drugs is estimated at over Rs 2.4 million. Dominique Linley David, 42, and his wife, MariexDolorès Diana David, 37, of Route Royale, Baie du Cap, were arrested.
It was 4 a.m. on Wednesday November 15, when a Quick Response Team (QRT) made up of officers from the Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit (Adsu) of Grand Baie and the Emergency Response Service (ERS) was on patrol at Avenue Les Flammants, Pereybère, when they stopped the driver of a blue 2×4. The driver, Dominique David, was accompanied by his wife, Dolorès David. After questioning the driver. The police were intrigued by the fact that these two Baie du Cap residents were on the northern coastline at an inconvenient hour. The Nissan 2×4 was searched. This led to the discovery of two black plastic bags containing a large quantity of cannabis and a nylon wallet containing Rs 48,178.
The David couple were then taken to the Adsu office in Grand Baie for questioning. The couple told investigators that they would give their statement in the presence of their lawmen.
This Thursday morning, November 16, Dominique David and his wife Dolorès David will be brought before the Pamplemousses court. They are facing a provisional charge of drug trafficking with aggravating circumstances. Adsu investigators suspect that the couple were going to make a drug delivery.