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Motorcyclist Killed When He Crashes Into Broken-Down Truck

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It was raining on the afternoon of Monday June 5. Yeganaden Chedumbrun, 41, was riding his motorcycle on Verdun’s Link Road near RM Garden when he crashed head-on into a parked truck on the left-hand side of the road. This vehicle had broken down, and the driver had placed a warning reflector triangle on its rear. Yeganaden Chedumbrun, a resident of Camp-Levieux, Rose-Hill, was seriously injured and killed instantly. The 40-year-old is the 57th victim of a road accident so far this year. Another motorcyclist, Satyan Ramdass Appadoo, a 56-year-old caretaker, died in the early hours of Sunday morning, June 4, following a motorcycle collision on Route Royale from Camp Sipion to Petite Pointe aux Piments.

The accident occurred at around 2.30 p.m. on Monday June 5. A goods truck that had broken down on Link Road in Verdun was parked on the side of the road. The 45-year-old driver, who lives in Camp-Fouquereaux, installed a warning triangle behind his Mitsubishi to attract the attention of other motorists. The Suzuki driven by Yeganaden Chedumbrun was travelling in the direction of Valentina when it crashed into the rear of the truck.

Motorcycle Accident on Verdun's Link Road

A team of police officers from the Rose-Hill police station, led by Sergeant Mungur, immediately attended the scene of the accident. The motorcyclist was found lying on the asphalt, his head facing Trianon. His face was bleeding profusely and he was not breathing. An ambulance from the Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence arrived shortly afterwards. The doctor on board could only confirm the driver’s death.

His body was then taken to the Victoria Hospital morgue in Candos for an autopsy. The autopsy, carried out early Monday evening (June 5) by Dr. Maxwell Monvoisin, head of the police forensic department, attributed the death to craniocerebral lesions. Both vehicles were taken back to the Rose-Hill police station for examination. Two witnesses to the accident, a Portlouisian and a Rose-Hillian, have given statements to the police.

Yenganaden Chedumbrun
Yenganaden Chedumbrun

Satyan Appadoo, a resident of Camp Sipion, Petite Pointe aux Piments, succumbed to his injuries sustained in a road accident in the early evening of Saturday June 3. The 50-year-old died immediately from multiple injuries. He was seriously injured when his TVS motorcycle and a scooter driven by a 19-year-old teenager collided.

Satyan Appadoo breathed his last at around 00:45 on the morning of Sunday June 4 in the intensive care unit of the North Hospital. Appadoo was seriously injured when his motorcycle was hit by a scooter on Route Royale, Camp Sipion, Petite Pointe aux Piments. At the time of the accident, the scooter, driven by a 19-year-old resident of Route Royale, Petite Pointe aux Piments, was overtaking a van.

On arrival at the Triolet police station, Satyan Appadoo was unconscious, while the young man was complaining of neck pain. Both two-wheelers were seriously damaged. Satyan Appadoo was evacuated to the North Hospital on board an ambulance from the Emergency Medical Service. The teenager was transported in another ambulance to the same hospital. After receiving treatment, the teenager was admitted to the ward. Satyan Appadoo was placed on artificial respiration in the intensive care unit. His prognosis was vital.

After his death, his body was taken to the morgue of the Dr A.G.Jeetoo Hospital, Port-Louis, for an autopsy. The autopsy was carried out by Dr. Sheila Jankee-Parsad, Principal Police Medical Officer, who attributed his death to multiple injuries.

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