A pistol, a canister of tear gas, a gun with its hook and a toy revolver were found at the bottom of a bag marked Bad Girl belonging to Stellio Marcellion Clyde Muthen, a 24-year-old bricklayer. The latter is a mason by trade. He was sleeping on a mattress on the ground when he was surprised by a team of police officers from the Field Intelligence Office (FIO) of the northern division who arrived at an abandoned house on Avenue Carangue, Trou aux Biches. The suspect was brought before the court of Pamplemousses on Tuesday, March 1st. He is facing a provisional charge of “possession of firearm with intent to endanger life”. The suspect was kept in a police cell.
It was around 2:30 pm on Monday, February 28 that a police raid was conducted by Constables Gowsee and Mohun of the FIO, under the supervision of Inspector Gungah, in this abandoned house. Marcellino Muthen took them by surprise. He was sleeping on a mattress on the floor when the two FIO officers burst in. This followed a series of phone calls.
The suspect was taken inside where a body search was done on her. Marcellio Muthen went to the police station of Trou-aux Biches to file a complaint. He was then handed over to the officers of the Criminal Investigation Division of Trou-aux-Biches. He was interrogated and finally confessed his guilt to the CID officers, led by Superintendent of Police Mussafeer and Assistant Superintendent of Police Juman.
The suspect was confronted with the seized exhibits, to which he had to respond, “Mo finn kokin sa bann zarm la depi sa lakaz pou mo ale vande”. These weapons were sent to the ballistics section of the Forensic Science Laboratory to be examined and questioned.