Nadarajen Vaneshan Ramasamy, 26 years old and living in one of the apartments of NHDC, Ville Noire, Mahébourg found himself in a police cell on the 1st day of the year 2023 for having resisted to accompany policemen of the Quick Response Team (QRT) of Mahébourg for a verification of his identity and his address. At the police station, while being handcuffed, he struggled with the police officers and as a result, he injured a police sergeant in the face and another police officer in the left hand.
In the afternoon of Sunday, January 1, Nadarajen Vaneshan Ramasamy was stopped by a team of QRT police officers for failing to obey a traffic sign. While he was to be taken to the police station for a verification of his identity and address, he began to insult these policemen by declaring, “mo pa pou ale stasyon…. “. He was taken into the police vehicle on a charge of vagrancy.
At the police station, while being handcuffed, he began to struggle with the officers. A sergeant was hit in the face and a policeman was injured in the left hand. While he was struggling he had to hit a wooden buffet. This one hit a television camera recorder fixed to the wall outside a cell. This camera was damaged.
Nadarajen Vaneshan Ramasamy was taken into custody at the Rose-Belle police station. He appeared before the Bail and Remand Court on Monday, January 2. The injured police sergeant did not want to go to the hospital. The police officer was treated and released from the hospital with medication.