Linion Pep Morisien will again take to the streets of Port Louis on Saturday 25 June at 2pm. The protestation is mainly against the Rs 150 fee to the MBC, but also against the Rs 50,000 fine and a jail term not exceeding 2 years.
They are going ahead to protest against the MBC. Speaking to the press, Linion Pep Morisien said, “the government wants to impose a fine of Rs 50,000 and a sentence of 2 years on those who do not want to have the MBC. We don’t agree, it’s an unfair measure,” said Dev Sunnasy.
The protest will start at 2pm at Madame Street and Mauritians are invited to come and participate in the protest. Dev Sunassy assured that the protest march will take place under the conditions imposed by the police. Amongst the other issues raised by Linion Pep Morisien are the police brutality, soaring consumer prices and wearing of face masks.
The 1985 Act
The announcement was made by the Finance Minister, Renganaden Padayachy on Tuesday 7 June during his budget speech. The current Act is still the 1985 Act, which states in Section 25, Licence Fees – Every person shall, in relation to television broadcasts by the Corporation, pay to the Corporation or to such other person as may be prescribed a licence fee in accordance with the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (Collection of Licence Fees) Act. [S. 25 amended by Act 56 of 1984.]. And at section 35, Offences- Any person, who contravenes this Act, or any regulations made under it, shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs 2,000 and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.
The enforcement of this measure will be effective upon amendment of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (Collection of License Fees) Act.