From Rs 160 to Rs 167.50 per half kilo. Beef has become more expensive since Friday 19 August. Butchers warn that consumers are not at the end of their surprises. Socovia warns that the ministerial cabinet has not yet communicated the quantum of the increase on the revision of the slaughtering and transport costs, which have not been revised since 2017.
This is not the first increase in 2022, with the last price hike on Monday 23 May when the price of beef was increased from Rs 147.50 to Rs 160. The cause, according to Ahmed Seerally, director of Socovia Ltd, is “the ever-increasing cost of freight. This is the global trend, trade is generally affected. In addition, the meat will cost a bit more after the Mauritius Meat Authority has calculated the price of slaughter and transport.”
The director of Socovia Ltd, an importer of livestock, makes it clear that this increase is not on purpose. “This increase of Rs 15 on a kilo is a lot! We are not here to raise a price with the knowledge that it will affect the whole business. Besides, everything that is imported by sea is already seeing increases, even in the frozen food section. And with the new revision announced by the ministerial cabinet, it is not only the price of beef that will increase, but the price of all other meats such as sheep, goats and poultry”.
Butchers and others involved in the fresh beef trade are teaming up, but without great expectations. “It is difficult to accept this,” they say. They are waiting for the government to find a fair solution for them and the consumers. Otherwise, steak will be too expensive!