Dhuin – an Indian film in the Maithili language was selected and is being screened at the 75th Cannes Film Festival. Six movies, including Dhuin, were selected from India to be screened at the prestigious film festival in France. Other movies selected from India are – Rocketry – The Nambi Effect (Hindi, English, Tamil), Godavari (Marathi), Alpha Beta Gamma (Hindi), Boomba Ride (Mishing), and Nirayaye Thatthakalulla Maram (Malayalam).
Maithili is a regional language in India, which is commonly spoken in parts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Dhuin which means ‘mist’ in Maithili tells the story of an aspiring theatre artist, Pankaj, who moves out of a small town in Bihar with plans to make it to the big screen in Mumbai. The movie depicts the struggle of the artist as he faces lockdown due to the spread of Covid 19 and the economic crisis brought along with the pandemic. The film boasts of memorable performances by Abhinav Jha, Vijay Kumar Sah, Prashant Rana, and Satyendra Jha.
The director of Dhuin, Achal Mishra, said “We are very happy. We have made a small film in a very small way by shooting with a team of 3-4 people in 10-15 days. In such a situation, it is very special for us that it has reached the Cannes. We have made this film among the people of Darbhanga. The film was shot in January 2021. It is my endeavor to take Maithili’s identity further.”
Director Achal Mishra earlier made the Maithili film ‘Gamak Ghar’, which received praises and awards at many film festivals in India and abroad. The film received the award for Best Direction at the 2020 New York Indian Film Festival.
Dhuin which was released in January this year will be watched by jury members at the Cannes Film Festival till 26th May.