What appeared to be a hit-and-run turned out to be an assassination. That’s the conclusion police officers at the Stanley Police Station came to after reviewing surveillance camera footage at Boundary Street, Rose-Hill on Saturday afternoon, December 17. Noorani Muhammad Ismael Bin Caramuth, 43, was intentionally killed on his motorcycle by a truck driven by Shikal Seebaluck. Shikal Seebaluck, a local resident, was arrested shortly afterwards on a murder charge. An argument between the two men in the morning would be at the origin of the death of the victim.
It was around 1 pm this Saturday, December 17, that the Stanley police station was alerted of an accident at Boundary Street, Rose-Hill, not of the Beau-Séjour housing estate. When the police arrived, the body of a man was lying on the road with his motorcycle beside him. An ambulance from the Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence was called to the scene. The doctor on board could only confirm the death of the victim. The victim was known to the local police.
The body was transported to the morgue of the Victoria Hospital, Candos for an autopsy. The autopsy was performed by Dr. Sudesh Kumar Gungadin, head of the forensic department of the police, who attributed the death to an intracranial hemorrhage.
After the accident, the police questioned witnesses. They said that the victim’s motorcycle was hit by a truck that did not stop. But by viewing the CCTV footage on this road, the police found that the accident was deliberate. The identity of the driver was established. The police were then to learn that in the morning he and the victim had had an argument.
The funeral of Noorani Caramuth took place in the evening of Saturday, December 17 at 21 hours. He was buried in the cemetery of Trois Mamelles, after the ceremony at the mosque of Clairfonds N0 2, Vacoas.