Last Friday, the 7th of October 2022, the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius (the “FSC”) in collaboration with the State Trading Corporation and Grant Thornton Mauritius have organised a Blood Donation Day. As part of the FSC Health and Wellness week, the blood donation day was held as from 09.30 to 16.00 hrs in the FSC auditorium. During this event, staff, licensees, public and private corporate bodies within the vicinity of Ebene participated actively in this life-saving endeavour.
The Chief Executive of the FSC, Dhanesswurnath Thakoor declared the purpose of this exercise: “We organized this event to fulfil our civic duty because the Blood Bank has made it known that there is a shortage of blood”. The goal, he said, is to collect almost 200 pints of blood. He also appreciated that several young people from other companies joined the staff of STC and FSC and donated their blood. Yusoof Nubee, Head of Assurance Services at Grant Thornton, recalled that blood donation is a noble gesture toward society.