Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone once again made heads turn with her recent film outing ‘Gehraiyaan’. Helmed by Shakun Batra, the movie portrayed her as Alisha, an immensely layered and complex character dealing with life, love and loss.
The film received rave reviews from the audience and critics alike. Now the actress finally took a breather and left for Bangalore which is her hometown to celebrate the success of the film and the phenomenal reactions with her family as they reside there.
The star will be in the city over the weekend and gets back on Monday to dive headfirst into her film commitments and other work commitments.
While she has been inundated with calls ever since the film, the superstar mentioned that the most touching feedback came from her family, given that the subject of anxiety and mental health was an extremely personal one.
Recently, Deepika penned a gratitude note for her fans for showering love on ‘Gehraiyaan’. Sharing some of the stills from the film, she wrote, “The response to Gehraiyaan has been dizzying to say the least! ‘Alisha’ has been my most visceral, indelible and delicious experience as an artist. While I am ecstatic and overwhelmed, I am also truly grateful and humbled.”