The Ministry of Public Service has asked civil servants to be more serious about their training. He said he noticed that a number of civil servants selected for training courses at the Civil Service College were declining invitations at the last minute. Sometimes, some do not give notice of absence or some do not get permission from their section heads. In a circular issued by the Secretary for public service, Bojrazsingh Boyramboli, reminds that these training courses are publicly funded and even if the civil servants are absent from their courses, the government has to pay for their training courses anyway.
Moreover, the audit office has already drawn the attention of the Ministry to this shortcoming. The SPS invites the Supervisory Officers to take the necessary steps to ensure that civil servants who have been selected to attend training courses have the necessary authorisations to attend these training courses. To put an end to this problem, the trade union representatives of the civil servants concerned in the Ministry of Public Service should appoint a Training Officer in each ministry who can liaise with the college of civil servants.