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Education Minister Advocates For An Inclusive Schooling System For All

The Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, highlighted the need to foster a schooling system where...

Open House At Savannah International School

Allow parents and their children to discover the school's facilities, as well as its fun and educational activities! Savannah International School, the very first...

Teachers Act As Catalyst In Shaping The Life Of Students, Says Vice-Prime Minister Dookun-Luchoomun

Education has a fundamental role in shaping and transforming the life of students, and teachers are the actors without whom academic learning would not...

First Graduation Ceremony Of Polytechnics Mauritius In The Presence Of Prime Minister Jugnauth

A cohort of 371 graduates who have successfully completed their respective programmes at Polytechnics Mauritius, received today, their diploma/degree certificates in presence of the...

APPRENDRE Programme To Improve Education Systems In Primary And Secondary Schools

The purpose of the APPRENDRE programme is to improve education systems in primary and secondary schools in 26 French-speaking emerging and developing countries, including...

Transforming Education In Africa: Prime Minister Calls For Use Of New Technologies In Education

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth addressed the Transforming Education in Africa summit on Tuesday 20 September 2022 at the African Union office in New York. The...

Prime Minister Reaffirms Mauritius’ Commitment To Inclusive Education At Transforming Education Summit

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth addressed the Transforming Education Summit on Monday 19 September 2022, in the wake of the 77th United Nations General Assembly...

10th Pan – Commonwealth Forum On Open Learning At The Calgary TELUS Convention

The Hon Mrs.​ Leela Devi DOOKUN-LUCHOOMUN, G.C.S.K, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology​ in regards to her official visit to...

The Word ‘Mathematics’ Evokes Extreme Reactions

While a small minority love the subject, the vast majority express a strong dislike for the subject. Many actually fear the subject and find...

Mauritius Ranks 5th In Olympiades Internationales De La Langue Franҫaise

Mauritius ranked 5th out of 20 Francophone countries in the Olympiades Internationales de la Langue Franҫaise (OILF) which was held virtually in 2021. The...
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