“I filed a complaint on July 11. I have asked the police to initiate an investigation!” This was announced by the Prime Minister in Parliament this Tuesday in his response to questions from Eshan Juman and Patrick Assirvaden.
Pravind Jugnauth explained that his office had written to Sherry Singh on October 21, 2021, informing him of the security need to conduct a study on a submarine cable. He added that on December 22, 2021, since the CEO of Mauritius Telecom, had not responded, another letter was sent to him. It was on December 24 that Sherry Singh finally provided the information requested.
The Prime Minister added that on April 12, 2022, the CEO of Mauritius Telecom was informed that a team of 3 people would conduct the study from April 13 to 15. On April 14, Sherry Singh had even met with the head of the team. However, he had not made the necessary arrangements for the experts to have access to the site.
Pravind Jugnauth said he called Sherry Singh on April 15 to ask him to make the necessary arrangements. Which he finally did!
Pravind Jugnauth said that the Chief Technical Officer of Mauritius Telecom accompanied the technical team to Baie Jacotet and that he was physically present during the study. He even made a report indicating that there was no installation or sniffing.
The Prime Minister reiterated that there was never any question of installing equipment to intercept computer data traffic. He said that Sherry Singh has never informed the board of Mauritius Telecom of his reservations. This case, according to him, is causing irreparable harm to the country, the government, the Prime Minister’s office and his image.
MP Eshan Juman was expelled for refusing to withdraw the term “high treason”, which was directed at Pravind Jugnauth.