As announced in the Budget Speech 2022, to accompany growing families, a baby bonus of Rs 1,000 will be provided to parents of every new-born as from 01July 2022. The Baby Bonus is payable to parents of newborn where at least one of the parents is a Mauritian citizen.
In addition to the voucher of Rs 200 under the Savings Culture Scheme, the Civil Status Division will issue Baby Bonus Scheme Vouchers as from 07 November 2022 to parents of new-born as from 01 July 2022, at the time of registration of the new born at the Civil Status Offices.
The following documents must be presented to the Civil Status Office for the issue of the Vouchers:
- National Identity Card of parents;
- Birth Certificate of parents;
- Marriage Certificate (where applicable) of parents; and
- Birth Certificate of the new-born.
Parents who registered their new-born during period 01 July 2022 to 04 November 2022, are requested to call in person on week days between 09 30 hours to 1530 hours at the Civil Status Office where they registered the birth of their child, to collect the Baby Bonus Scheme Voucher.
For parents who registered the birth of their child at the Central Civil Status Office located on the Ground Floor, Emmanuel Anquetil Building, Port Louis, the following Alphabetical Order will apply for the collection of the Baby Bonus Scheme Voucher:
- A – F : Monday and Thursday
- G – N : Tuesday and Friday
- O – Z : Wednesday
Upon receipt of the vouchers, parents will have to call at the MauBank to open an account in the name of the new-born and to credit the Savings Culture Scheme Voucher and the Baby Bonus Scheme Voucher in that account. Parents will be allowed to withdraw only the baby bonus amounting to Rs 1000 per child.