In a press release on Tuesday afternoon, the Côte D’Or International Racecourse and Entertainment Complex (COIREC) has made its decision on the lease of the Champ De Mars. MTCSL and People’s Turf PLC will have the right to use the Champ de Mars for the 2022 racing season. Kuhulwant Ubheeram, CEO of People’s Turf, and the CEO of MTCSL have an appointment at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) tomorrow morning to discuss this matter.
Here is the communique in full:
The Board of Directors of Côte d’Or International Racecourse and Entertainment Complex Ltd has perused the applications regarding the use of the State Land known as the Champ de Mars for organising horseracing activities and decided to grant same on a non-exclusive basis to the two applicants, namely MTC Sports and Leisure Ltd and People’s Turf PLC on self-explicit terms and conditions contained in a Subletting Agreement.
The two prospective horse racing organisers, subject to them obtaining their horse racing organiser licence from the Gambling Regulatory Authority, will be authorised to use the State Land known as the Champ de Mars for organising horse race day meetings on alternate weekends, in accordance with a specific fixtures list and race meetings calendar to be fixed and approved by the Horse Racing Division of the Gambling Regulatory Authority.