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Arvin Boolell Comments On Various Issues Of Concern To Our Society

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The Labour Party held its press conference this afternoon Friday 11th February 2022. The press conference was led by Dr Arvin Boolell who commented on various topics he considered as being worrying for our society.  The very first topic raised was Mrs Adebiro’s case concerning the electoral petition in the Constituency no 19.

« Nou pas pou kon la veriter concernant ban irregulariter dan Circonscription no 19… » are the words taken by Arvin Boolell.

On the fact that Jenny Adebiro made it clear that she no longer belongs to the MMM, the case concerning the irregularities (the missing ballots, presence of ballots of Constituency no 1 in the box of Constituency no19 and the presence of non-sealed ballots) in itself is automatically closed. His question concerned the U-Turn taken by Adeviro all of a sudden is: What made her do such a thing? According to Boolell, if we read in between the lines of Adeviro statement, it is clear that she is going in certain direction.

Dr Boolell also commented on the economic situation in which we are right now. “Ene economi  de Ponzy” is his statement while commenting on the subject. It is a descent to hell for the middle- and lower-class society.

He also commented on the report made by the World Bank on our Sugar and Sugarcane Industries, mentioning the relationship existing between the industry and the sugar planters, and the problem they are facing.

Also present for the Press Conference, Osman Mahomed commented mostly on the public utilities like the CWA, WWM, CEB, Public Transport and Housing. According to his sources, everything that is related to public utilities results in huge wastage, poor management and bad policies when Food, Shelter and Clothing are the fundamental rights in every society.

On his part, Eshan Joomun also commented on the report made by the World Bank on our Sugar and Sugar Cane Industry where the Minister concerned did not even commented on the report which is outrageous.

Joomun also commented on the “grande rentrée scolaire” which he considered as being a complete mess-up. None of the mentioned protocols by the Minister of Education has been set up till now. There are no testing team present in case of contamination, no precautionary measures has been taken, no pre-tests done with the educators, and the list goes on.

Also commenting on the education sector, by more than thousands of people including students are travelling in pubic transports since the reopening of schools across the country but no protocol has been set up by the ministry concerned to help in preventing the propagation of the virus.

Moving to the Health Sector, Eshan Joomun spoke about the incident involving a new born baby where a member of the Medical Staff cut a finger of the baby. This is unacceptable, even worse things can happens with other children or even adults.

Also in the Health sector, Joomun talked of the case of a drunken driver of the Ambulance of L’Hopital du Nord who had an accident but no sanction was taken against him and he came back to work as if nothing happened. The worst part of it is that the Minister of , Kailash Jagatpal is nowhere to be found.

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